Category: Uncategorized
Ok, I’m not giving up on game design, but god damn the universe is making things hard. Felt like I was finally getting shit figured out. Got some new meds, brain was behaving for once. Was saving up to invest in equipment needed to quit my job and do contract screen printing, which would have…
Working on sorting out my head, both medically and via therapy. Long story short, I stumbled on a good suggestion while trying to figure out why my inner monologue sounds so angry at me all the time: Find a picture of yourself as a child, and write a letter to that kid, showing them the…
Hey everyone; Robert here. I meant to get this update posted toward the beginning of the year, but as we’re all well aware in 2020, extenuating circumstances are the new normal. Anyway, I’m here to announce a few things. First, as you may have noticed a while ago, I’ve tweaked my branding a bit. It’s…
I have a bunch of new photography to post from my trip to Massachusets, but that’s going to take a while to sort through what I want on my portfolio, so in the meantime, here’s another character from my upcoming comic:
Check it out, I finally have some of my paintings up for you to buy! Link here: