Category: Game Design
Recently, while working on fixing my brain, I followed the suggestion of writing a letter to myself as a child, telling your younger self what you wish someone would have told you as a kid. I realized what I needed to do, and told my daughter all the same things I told my younger self.…
Hey all. I’m going to get real serious and lay out some heavy shit so if you’re not interested in listening to me talk for a half hour, feel free to bail now. As mentioned in the video, I’d love it if you’d check out my Patreon: – There I’ll be posting behind the…
Hey everyone; Robert here. I meant to get this update posted toward the beginning of the year, but as we’re all well aware in 2020, extenuating circumstances are the new normal. Anyway, I’m here to announce a few things. First, as you may have noticed a while ago, I’ve tweaked my branding a bit. It’s…