Month: March 2016
Took a few trips to cemeteries recently: Fountain Cemetery in Fostoria and Spring Grove in Cincinnati. Trying to work on getting better shots in camera, so very little post processing in this batch. I’m going to need to go back to Spring Grove; it’s huge, I probably only saw around a third of it.
Took a quick trip on my lunch break yesterday to shoot at Woodland; Didn’t get a ton of great shots, mostly because I only had about 45 minutes and felt like I was in a hurry. I’ll have to go back some weekend when the trees start to bloom.
This weekend was my first big shooting spree since I’ve started back seriously on my photography work. Friday I took a few pictures in downtown Dayton after work, and Saturday I spent the whole day with my camera. I took a nice long drive to Lima to engage in my first major foray into urban…